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[VB.NET] Get Active Processes and Services

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New member
Nov 3, 2010
This kinda works much like Task manager except in this example you can't end the process / service. I do plan on actually making a slimmed down version of task manager in the future so those who get infected with malware and lose rights to use it will still be able to find out what is running and possibly stop the virus from running.

Anywho, we'll start off with our imports:

Imports System.ServiceProcess
Now to get the active processes and put them into a listbox as well as the services

 Dim processList() As Process
        Dim ServiceCon() As ServiceController = ServiceController.GetServices()
        Dim saveFile As IO.StreamWriter
        Dim eachline As Integer
            processList = Process.GetProcesses()
            For Each proc As Process In processList
            Next (proc)

            saveFile = New IO.StreamWriter(".\processes.txt")

            For i = 0 To lst_process_list.Items.Count - 1

            For Each serv As ServiceController In ServiceCon
                If serv.Status.ToString() = "Running" Then
                End If
            Next serv

            saveFile = New IO.StreamWriter(".\services.txt")
            For i = 0 To lst_service_list.Items.Count - 1

        Catch ex As Exception

        End Try

Not a whole lot to explain here other then it was never finished. There should be some sort of error message if for whatever reason it hits the catch. Also this will save a text tile with the current services and processes running.
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